The Apex Historical
Society is a non-profit, membership-supported organization dedicated
to preserving, protecting and promoting the history of Apex. Your donations
are very much appreciated and always put to good use.
Both the Apex Historical Society and the Maynard Pearson House Trusts
are designated type 501-C3 and all contributions are tax deductible
to the extent of the tax laws. We are prepared to accept matching gift
contributions and complete the necessary paperwork.
The Maynard Pearson House Trust was created in 1997 to ensure continued
preservation of the Maynard Pearson House.
You may donate by check to help with support of the house and you may
donate antiques or other items of historical significance in the Apex
Donation checks may be made out to: Maynard Pearson House Trust
-or- Apex Historical Society, depending on the intention of the
Donations may be sent to:
Apex Historical Society
P.O. Box 506
Apex, North Carolina 27502